
Diablo immortal diablo 2 dev response
Diablo immortal diablo 2 dev response

"Do you guys not have phones?" asked developers in response to the poor reaction from fans in attendance. Diablo's Wyatt Cheng was already somewhat nervous during the announcement of Diablo Immortal, but this kind of behavior at a developer Q&A is really inappropriate, but wait there's more.Ī large amount of boos rained down from the crowd when Wyatt confirmed that Diablo Immortal will be a mobile-only game releasing on App Store and Google Play. Apparently not releasing Diablo 4 or a PC Diablo game is a license to troll a Blizzard developer directly to his face. "Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?" asked the BlizzCon 2018 attendee. Skill Up reviewing #RDR2 November 2, 2018 #diabloimmortal #Diablo #diablo /Jvt4XzswzS Here's one clip of a particularly stupid question asked to a Blizzard developer. The new Diablo Immortal mobile game may not have been what fans were expecting, but the response by fans during the question and answer session is rude and uncalled for. This is definitely disappointing for a lot of Blizzard's core fanbase as most of them play games on their computers and may describe themselves as card-carrying members of that good old PC Master Race, but mobile games are here to stay and Blizzard has seen some serious success on iOS and Android with Hearthstone. A new Diablo game was announced, but not Diablo 4 and not for PC.

diablo immortal diablo 2 dev response

Blizzard announced a ton of things today at the BlizzCon 2018 Opening Ceremony, and fans were pretty jazzed until the final reveal of the event.

Diablo immortal diablo 2 dev response